Back To The Grind!

Things are finally getting back to normal after 6 weeks of being in lots of pain and attempting to recover. My foot is still healing, but I am back to my job and back to my second job of writing awesome posts for you, my followers.

I’m excited to say that there are a lot of awesome things coming in the next few weeks. I will hopefully become sponsored by an up and coming Mommy Blogger group. This will be a big move for my small blog, but I am thrilled to be able to help other mothers and spread the word on awesome products.

I have been thinking about possibly having a small business spotlight every other week for the Southern Nh area. It is important that small businesses thrive in this economy and the best way to get word out is word of mouth and networking. If anyone would love to be considered in one of my spotlights please let me know by contacting me on my blog email.

Thanks for always being awesome and for being patient as I have been recovering for the past couple of weeks.

I am thrilled to let all my followers know that I am back to the grind!!

Single Parent Syndrome

There are days when I’m totally all about being an independent single mother and there are other days where I don’t know what I “signed” up for.I feel like I have days where I feel amazing and independent and other days where I don’t understand how I raise 3 little ones all by myself on top of working a full-time job. “Single Parent Syndrome” is real!

My recent case of severe “Single Parent Syndrome” is probably fairly pathetic to most, but was a big deal to me.

My son recently had his first parent teacher conference. To say that I wasn’t nervous would be a complete lie. I never thought I would be single mom going to my sons first parent teacher conference all by myself. I know that sounds fairly petty, but it was one of my biggest fears. I feared being judged by the teacher or even worst by my son’s peers. Choices that I have made and his father has made is what has gotten me to this point in my life.

Thank God the meeting wasn’t very nerve-wracking at all. I mean, how difficult could a kindergarten parent teacher conference get. My son is ahead in his class and knows all of his sight words, letters, and letter sounds. I can’t even imagine a bad interaction for kindergarten parent teacher conference. The first quarter is a review of letters and writing which my son already learned how to do in preschool. My biggest worry is getting my son to enjoy art and become more organized.

How do you teach a 5-year-old boy how to be organized and responsible? I really am confused as to what I could possibly do different to help me to help him realize the importance of being responsible and organized. I would really appreciate any advice from my followers or fellow friends.

Thankful I won’t have to go to another one of those for another few months. The awkward feeling of feeling worthless before hand and feeling like you aren’t good enough because you are single is completely overrated. I had a really bad case of the have pity on me I’m have a “Single Parent Syndrome” moment. 🙂

Thoughtless Thursday or Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving Thursday or Thoughtless Thursday?

Thanksgiving is supposed to be a day to give thanks and enjoy the presence of friends and family while enjoying some football and scrumptious food. I just recently realized that  stores are opening on Thanksgiving day. This is a really irritating subject to me. Thanksgiving has become more of an ordinary day over the years. Yes many people get the day off and holiday pay, but others are being forced to work. Some people believe that this is the perfect opportunity to earn extra cash and enjoy working on holidays,but this post is not for them. This is for the mothers, fathers, sisters or brothers that have to miss a family get together due to corporate greed.

Corporate chains have come to an ultimate low by allowing their stores to interfere with a great family centered holiday. A holiday that consists of great food, company , and some football has become a shopping day to corporate America. I personally don’t understand how a holiday about being thankful turned into a huge shopping “holiday”. The chains are saying that we the consumers expressed interest in this. I don’t think this is for the consumers sake! It sounds like more change falling into the corporate piggybank. We are truly a materialistic and greedy country. We could care less about family and more about the deals and the material goods that we can get on “sale” during a holiday. I think there is no issue with obtaining or purchasing things on Black Friday , but I don’t understand the Thoughtless Thursday Movement. I think it is thoughtless for chains to force workers to take time away from their families to open a few hours early for some people to get an “extra savings” on a holiday.

Soon we will no longer have Black Friday, but have Thoughtless Thursday to thank for stealing away a holiday were we should be giving thanks and spending time with our family.

I don’t know about anyone else, but this mom will be home enjoying a family dinner and thanking God for another year of great fellowship and time spent with my family. You will not see me out on Thoughtless Thursday, but I might make an appearance for Black Friday! 😉