“Keeping Up with The Joneses?”

I know that I am not the only mother that wonders why raising kids is a competition to some. As a mom of three pretty awesome kids (I’m sure everyone thinks the same of their own kids), I find that there are so many moms that are attempting to “Keep Up With the Joneses”!

Stay at home mothers are always trying to justify why their job is so much harder than a working mother and vice versa. Mothers are comparing clothing brands or comparing how fast/slow their child develops.It seems like a never-ending battle in the world of mommy hood. We are always trying to compare our parenting style, kids, and our lives period. It really is the sad reality of raising kids in the year 2014.

I feel like as a single mom that the idea of “Keeping Up with The Joneses” is beyond stressful. It seems if you try to go that route no matter what people are always going to either try to one up you or tell you why you are wrong. I just don’t understand the obsession with comparing lives or kids.

Every child is different. Our poor children could care less what parenting style we choose or if they are more advanced than little “Billy”. All they want is loving parents that give them hugs when they get hurt and tell them everything is going to be okay when their feelings are hurt. They just want our love. The type of love only parents can give. Our children could care less if we”Keeping Up with The Joneses”!

I’m so thankful that I don’t have time nor am I interested with attempting to “Keep Up with The Joneses”!

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