Politically Aware

As a mother, student, worker, daughter, and a woman I feel being aware of what is going on in the world around me is more than important. People seem to be clueless to the subject of politics or even economics. We live in a fast paced country where we rather believe situations that are posted on Facebook and complain about it rather than making changes to better said situation. The fact that so many people are too lazy to share their input or to express their beliefs and what they stand for is irritating to me.

Today is a very important day around the USA. It is Midterm Elections! It is a day that we get to vote on who we want to represent us in DC and in our own states. We can privately vote for who we think would be the better candidate.  I find it appalling that some people feel that voting isn’t really necessary or important. I spoke to not just one person but multiple today that said ” I’m not going to vote because I know nothing about politics.” I feel as American citizens it should be our job to educate ourselves on who is going to represent us and who aligns best to what we believe in. Yes, everyone has different standards and beliefs, but not voting is the worst option. More Americans need to educate themselves and do some research on the candidates.

As a single mother who loves her kids, I find that voting helps me to feel involved in my child’s future even more. There are so many important changes that will affect my kids and yours in the future. We need to make sure that we stand up for our kids rights and our rights as woman. It’s to late to vote here in New Hampshire, but if you are on the West Coast or even the Midwest get out and VOTE!

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