The Great Outdoors

Up North

It is always interesting planning a day trip with 3 little ones. I’m not sure how some mothers do it with more than 3. Two weekends ago, I decided to take a trip to the mountains with my kids to try to capture the last bit of fall. We also were attempting to celebrate my 2 year olds birthday. He loves the great outdoors so I figured a little trails and some site seeing would keep him entertained.

Any trip with a preschooler, toddler, and infant is bound to get interesting fairly quickly. We started off the day by grabbing a quick breakfast on the go at Burger King. I know what you guys are thinking. “Yuck! Why would she feed her kids that?” . Well you try getting 3 kids ready to go on a 2 hour drive and a whole day outing. It isn’t exactly the easiest feat in the world. Thankfully I had the awesome assistance of my father and sister to get me through the day. Did I mention that my sister happily wore the Ergo with the baby in it the whole time we were roaming around.

Our first stop was at the Old Man on the Mountain Viewing stop. We were able to take a nice little walk along the trails and see where the Old Man once used to be. It was definitely a flash from the past remembering actually being able to see the Old Man. I wish my kids were able to see it because it was such a great part of New Hampshire history. My kids loved being able to pick their own walking sticks and being able to throw rocks into the brook while looking for fishes. It was an all together great first stop.

Then we drove around and let the little ones take a nap while my oldest son enjoyed attempting to look for moose outside the window and viewing what was left of the foliage. It was awesome to see the amazement in his eyes as my dad was telling him stories about moose.

When nap time was over we were able to find a train that was set up at the welcome center. Max absolutely loved seeing the train and being able to take a picture next to it. It’s simple moments like that where I’m so grateful that I am a mother.

We decided to make one more stop before we headed on the long ride home so stopped on the other side of the highway at the new Old Man on the Mountain Profiler monument. I would have to say they did an amazing job building the structure that they call the “Profiler”. It basically allows you to look up at see the profile of the man on the mountain by the way they built this particular structure. My kids absolutely loved being able to throw rocks in the lake that is below the Old Man. Overall we had an amazing day outside enjoying the nice cool crisp air and taking in all of our surroundings.

It is such a blessing to live in such a gorgeous state and be able to share the beauty of God’s creation with my children.

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