Politically Aware

As a mother, student, worker, daughter, and a woman I feel being aware of what is going on in the world around me is more than important. People seem to be clueless to the subject of politics or even economics. We live in a fast paced country where we rather believe situations that are posted on Facebook and complain about it rather than making changes to better said situation. The fact that so many people are too lazy to share their input or to express their beliefs and what they stand for is irritating to me.

Today is a very important day around the USA. It is Midterm Elections! It is a day that we get to vote on who we want to represent us in DC and in our own states. We can privately vote for who we think would be the better candidate.  I find it appalling that some people feel that voting isn’t really necessary or important. I spoke to not just one person but multiple today that said ” I’m not going to vote because I know nothing about politics.” I feel as American citizens it should be our job to educate ourselves on who is going to represent us and who aligns best to what we believe in. Yes, everyone has different standards and beliefs, but not voting is the worst option. More Americans need to educate themselves and do some research on the candidates.

As a single mother who loves her kids, I find that voting helps me to feel involved in my child’s future even more. There are so many important changes that will affect my kids and yours in the future. We need to make sure that we stand up for our kids rights and our rights as woman. It’s to late to vote here in New Hampshire, but if you are on the West Coast or even the Midwest get out and VOTE!

Not Enough Hours In The Day!!

Time seems to be my biggest enemy lately.

Every mom has the issue of not having enough hours in the day. I always find myself making list after list each day only to end the day finishing only a partial amount of it. Being a single mother who not only raises three little ones, but also works a full-time job is another reason I can never find enough time. I don’t understand how any mother has enough hours in the day.

This past week I took the week off in order to catch up with my chores and errands that I need to get accomplished before the busy season at my work. I had plans on getting so much accomplished and spending so much time with my kids going places before my life is run by work. I really have a true appreciation for stay at home moms. I thought being a working mother was tough but seriously this past week I have come to appreciate any mother that stays home and finds time to do things. I attempted to get things done, but was so distracted by cute kids wanting to play with me and wanting me to grab them snacks every few minutes. I appreciate being able to be there for kids because they grow up far to fast. I didn’t mind that I wasn’t able to get most of the tasks on my “things to do” list done. Spending much-needed time bonding with my kids was way more important than getting all my tasks done.

Thank God for Daylight Savings Time. This extra hour of sleep helped me to get all of the rest of my tasks done that I should have gotten done throughout the week. It also allowed me to have enough time to write a quick little blog entry :).

I won’t ever regret choosing spending time loving and playing with kids over attempting to find enough hours in the day to get all my tasks done.

“Keeping Up with The Joneses?”

I know that I am not the only mother that wonders why raising kids is a competition to some. As a mom of three pretty awesome kids (I’m sure everyone thinks the same of their own kids), I find that there are so many moms that are attempting to “Keep Up With the Joneses”!

Stay at home mothers are always trying to justify why their job is so much harder than a working mother and vice versa. Mothers are comparing clothing brands or comparing how fast/slow their child develops.It seems like a never-ending battle in the world of mommy hood. We are always trying to compare our parenting style, kids, and our lives period. It really is the sad reality of raising kids in the year 2014.

I feel like as a single mom that the idea of “Keeping Up with The Joneses” is beyond stressful. It seems if you try to go that route no matter what people are always going to either try to one up you or tell you why you are wrong. I just don’t understand the obsession with comparing lives or kids.

Every child is different. Our poor children could care less what parenting style we choose or if they are more advanced than little “Billy”. All they want is loving parents that give them hugs when they get hurt and tell them everything is going to be okay when their feelings are hurt. They just want our love. The type of love only parents can give. Our children could care less if we”Keeping Up with The Joneses”!

I’m so thankful that I don’t have time nor am I interested with attempting to “Keep Up with The Joneses”!

A New Beginning

Blogging has always been something that I have done on the side as a fun and therapeutic way to express myself. I am by no means a professional writer. I wish I had that kind of talent, but I surely do not!

As a mom, I have found that reading others experiences in parenting and raising kids has been really beneficial to me. I am going to try a brand new approach at writing and attempting to share the daily adventures of a working single mother. A lot of blogs attempt to capture their daily adventures but they have significant others there to help them along their daily journey. This blog is going to be from an entirely different angle.  It is going to be the cold honest truth of raising 3 kids in the cold Granite state of New Hampshire by myself.

You might be thinking, What is so different raising kids in New Hampshire versus anywhere else? New Hampshire is an amazing place to raise kids. It is tax-free, which means more money in our pockets. It is a state that has the advantage of experiencing all of the seasons. Who wants to raise their kids somewhere where they only experience winter and summer. I surely don’t! I enjoy the beautiful New England falls and the breezy springs.

I am also going to have the opportunity to share with my readers awesome products that I love and be able to review them from a working single mother angle.

I’m looking forward to this new beginning and I’m hoping that you as my readers will give me honest feedback as to what I can do to improve or perfect my blog.